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Friday, December 2, 2011


Tidak ada alasan untuk menolakmu
Kau adalah keturunan dari dunia alam semesta
Bagaimana bisa aku tidak mencintaimu bahkan jika aku tidak pernah merasakan Kau bernapas
Kau adalah keajaiban, puisi surga

Mog itu, aku bisa merasakan, semua
keberadaanmu, jiwa batin, saya bisa
Salah satu cintamu, satu untuk melayani, Dirimu
Aku akan memberikan hidupku, sepanjang hidupku,
Aku milikmu, martirmu

Mengamati sendiri, dalam gelap diam sebelum turun
Dan sekarang Kau akan melihat, apa yang telah dilakukan untukku
Ketika aku menangisi diriku sendiri, aku menyadari bahwa Kau adalah satu-satunya
Bayangkan jika Kau bukan milikku, Aku pasti akan buta

Kau mengubah visimu, pengendalian nafsumu, Aku percaya
Karena semuanya akan dibuktikan dengan kebenaran pada akhirnya
Kematian akan segera datang, Tuhan tidak pernah menunjukkan diri, Kau tidak akan pernah tahu
Apakah Kau akan di dalam gelap atau Anda akan di dalam terang
Jadi sekarang, menjadi martir, aku tidak takut

Kematian akan segera datang dan Tuhan tidak pernah memberitahu
Bagaimana Kau mempersiapkan akhir Dirimu jika Kau tidak bisa mengurus jiwamu?
Dunia hanya tipuan dan tempat untuk lelucon
Malaikat maut akan mendesak (Dirimu) dalam napasmu

Tidak ada yang bisa membantumu, ketika Tuhan menampar wajahmu
Tidak ada yang bisa membantumu, mati dan dikuburkan di kuburan sempit

oblivious insdanity

   I don’t believe it, I fight and died for nothingSuch marvelous nightmare or such horrible dreamStructure sick society, everything down to the deep shitTalk random weird thing, in a mental institutionYou’re not my angel, I refuse to become your victimDying with your spell, searching love in dwelling hellDeath smile to all, we just can smile backIn the darkness, in the shadow, never talk about that beforeI need to know, I need to know

Why everything abuse, insult me in these sadness, sorrow
I need, bright light

(I’m not insane)
I need eyes to see everything inside, inside
(You never know inside my heart)
Underworld antic and wrath absurdities collide, collide
(Just holding my pain)
Particular hideous freak, mysterious fatuous device, device
(Until I meet my almighty God)
Deep in consciousness and disobey my God

Have you ever been in a place where your hopes are gone?
(I am so alone)
Under pressure, where people don’t want to understand?
Crowded inside my head
(Oh God)
I couldn’t hold myself to kill someone


.....Ketika semua bayang menjauh dari tubuh
Dan ketika semua angan enggan menyapa
Terbaring aku, terjebak aku
Di keheningan dalam ketiadaan......!!!


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I’ve felt the air rise up in me...
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves...
I wander out where you can’t see...
Inside my shell, I wait and bleed.
.. Goodbye!

I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
Everything is 3D blasphemy
My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
This is not the way I pictured me
I can’t control my shakes
How the hell did I get here?
Something about this, so very wrong...
I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn’t like this
Is it a dream or a memory?

Get outta my head cuz I don’t need this
Why I didn’t I see this?
I’m a victim - Manchurian candidate
I have sinned by just
Makin’ my mind up and takin’ your breath

You haven’t learned a thing
I haven’t changed a thing
My flesh was in my bones
The pain was always free

And it waits for you!!!

i a m

Crawling In Disgrace!
So much pain, that i cannot pretend
Restless soul shocking in hollowness.. In hollowness!

Emptiness this soul completelly this hole

Reallity of this fate is denied in this only hope
choose in my own path..

I dont feel allright..

I neverable being careless..

How can i explain in despair?

Ya Tuhan begitu pekatnya ruang jiwaku

hanya kematian terus samar memanggil
singkirkan harapan yang terus memudar
Semakin tak bermakna, semakin tak bercahaya
Inikah garis hidup yang tak terberkati..

iam mogerz

Today my heart is dying
No more feeling, just a fucking thing..
Bitter taste of desperate..

Reject, dissapoint is the word
For many excuses
I've lost in my own faith..

Sold my heart to nothingness
Broken faith i cannot fix
My heart is dying...

Give me one last breath
To prove myself right

Shadow Of Sorrow..
Just A fucking thing,
Kill Me !

Give me one last breath
To prove myself right
Give me one last breath
To live my way,To live my hate..

Shadow Of Sorrow..


Why you think the world was everything? spent your life and try to find nothin'. Things go from bad to worst as it all become about the money and materialism, trapped inside lifestyle obssesion, keep your mind hangin' on suspicions, as hard as you can, never thought bout improvement, self destruction and boring life, ultimately we're all a dead man. OK,.. Fine,.. Fine in this perfect world your fine, raped and bondage, are you out of your fuckin' mind? PRIDE lost in the dark and silent complete, like so many others you just become a slave.
Orang buta tak sama dengan orang yang melihat,
orang tuli tak sama dengan orang yang mendengar,
orang bisu tak sama dengan orang yang berkata
orang bodoh tak sama dengan orang yang berakal
kita hanya seorang hamba,kita hanya seorang hamba.

inside u

you told me how fragile you are
you told me almost drown and die
ask yourself if you're happy
still hide can’t face reality

life too short,why you waste of it
pain yourself,all the words is fake
look at the mirror and see your ego reflection
you're the one who lied and it has become a reason

you slave,served the devilshit inside
don't know it's wrong or right
you hate,served devilshit inside
don't know it's wrong or right

if you refuse Him,broke everything inside ..burn everything inside
I can't help you,No God inside your heart,there's something must to fight

you just so proud of yourself natural pointless I’ve ever made
how to lie how to fake
all this shit for the beautifull world of deceit
you don’t know what or who to trust
feel with anger and disgust can’t ignore the path of live
just leave it and close the holy book of lies,.,.,.,
just leave it
just leave it and close the holy book of lies.,.,

all you need are all needles
what you got is dead alone
love lead yourself to ground zero
growing spot to smoking pot
more crank more coke with your death
supposed you’ve heard a voice inside
you ain’t got nothing against your GOD

you ain’t got nothing against your GOD

broke everything inside …like you always done before
broke everything inside …. intoxicated your soul

just leave it,just leave it and close the holy book of lies
just leave it,just leave it and close the holy book of lies
just leave it,just leave it and close the holy book of lies
just leave it,just leave it and close the holy book of lies

you slave,served the devilshit inside
don't know it's wrong or right
you hate,served devilshit inside
don't know it's wrong or right

if you refuse Him,broke everything inside ..burn everything inside
I can't help you,No GOD inside your heart,there's something must to fight

if you refuse Him,broke everything inside (burn everything inside U)
burn everything inside (burn everything inside U)
I can't help you,No GOD inside your heart,there's something must to fight
(burn everything inside U)

Inside (burn everything inside U)
Inside U (burn everything inside U) 

ahli naar

Don't say you knew but never learn and feel what you see
Don't say you're right but never see and be what you curse

You said you're big, you said you're strong
and nothing's wrong for what you're dealing


Tuhan jangan biarkan aku jatuh jauh
kelembah nista yang semakin dalam (Nista)
Jangan biarkan aku terkurung dalam
kehinaan dan kemunafikan (Hina)
Aku hina dan kotor serta tak pantas masuk kedalam surga Mu (Surga)
Ku juga lemah dan tak tahan akan panasnya api neraka Mu

God Help I'm drown
God Forgive me, God Forgive me